Our Services
Professional Indemnity Insurance can provide cover for professionals against legal liability as a result of the conduct of their
practice or business and can include cover for settlements, compensation and/or damages awarded against professionals. It
can also provide cover for significant legal costs and other expenses associated with defending legal actions

Anyone that provides a professional service or advice for a fee to their clients needs to consider Professional Indemnity Insurance. Professional Indemnity can cover a wide range of risks including anything from accidents to errors and omissions. Regardless of your industry, if you are providing a professional service to your clients you will have a professional indemnity exposure. A simple mistake, or a disgruntled client could cost hundreds of thousands, would your business survive?
Anyone that provides a professional service or advice for a fee to their clients needs to consider Professional Indemnity Insurance. Professional Indemnity can cover a wide range of risks including anything from accidents to errors and omissions. Regardless of your industry, if you are providing a professional service to your clients you will have a professional indemnity exposure. A simple mistake, or a disgruntled client could cost hundreds of thousands, would your business survive?